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NDG Leader

Writer's picture: VP Public Relations ndgleadersVP Public Relations ndgleaders

If you’re reading this blog, you have almost certainly made your way to the website of NDG Leader Toastmasters and you may be considering joining our Club. You may be wondering - what is our Club like?

NDG Leader is a wonderful Club with a fantastic group of members who meet in the heart of an area of Montreal, Quebec, Canada called Notre-Dame-de-Grâce or NDG. We have been around for nearly 20 years. We have a great mix of experienced, stalwart members and new members who make for a great dynamic. We have a range of people in our Club - all ages, genders, cultural backgrounds, professions, and more can be found at NDG Leader!

As someone joining our club for the first time as a guest, you will be warmly welcomed by all members present. There is no obligation to participate directly in the meeting, although we will ask for a brief introduction of yourself at the beginning of the meeting as well as your impressions at the end. We like to know who is joining us and what they think of our meetings! Sometimes, we will encourage that guests participate in Table Topics to get a feel for our meeting and what it is like to participate, but again, there is no obligation to do so. One never knows though - sometimes our guests best the rest of the competition!

NDG Leader meetings are run on a tight schedule, starting promptly at 7pm whether online or in person. It is something that often gets noted by our guests how organised we are. That said, we love to have fun and we have members who make being at our Toastmasters meetings a lot of fun indeed.

Every NDG Leader meeting is 2 hours long, finishing no later than 9pm. Given the length of the meeting, we have a break to provide a bit of rest and also to give the opportunity for guests and members to mix and mingle and get to know one another. It is a nice pause in the meeting which allows to refresh and get ready for the second half of meeting.

Every meeting, we also have an event after the meeting called Post-Toasties. At this post-meeting event we head to a nearby restaurant to grab some food or a drink and socialise with one another. Think of it as a break on steroids! This is one of the most gratifying experiences you can have in our Club, and you really get to know your fellow members at post-toasties. As President, I make a point of making it out after every meeting, whether we have 2 or 10 people joining. It’s important to me to get to know our members as much as possible, and to champion this activity of our Club.

Why don’t you join one of our meetings and see for yourself what our Club is like? Who knows, you may head home with a ribbon for Best Table Topics and have a blast with the rest of the team while out at Post-Toasties! We would love for you to join us.

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