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Choose the gift that keeps on giving!

Writer's picture: VP Public Relations ndgleadersVP Public Relations ndgleaders

Tis’ the season to share your Holiday wish lists.

While magazines and IG posts cover all the hot items being marked down for this time of year, I want to make a case for gifts that keep on giving.

I’m a friend to fashion and a “sommelier want to be”, but I always ask my gift givers to gift me with something that will propel me forward. I either want to have great experiences or, receive something that will move me towards my best self. So yes, I’m advocating for you to ask for a Toastmaster membership as a gift.

Above me wanting you to join the NDG Leader Toastmaster’s Club I’m looking forward to a 2024 where aspiring young professionals find their voices, where speeches are less ornated with filler words and where meetings are run with proper agendas and great direction all the while respecting their allotted time.

Come check us out on Thursdays, we will help you make your decision!

See you at Toastmasters!



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